Battery Industry
The growing demand for high-performance batteries requires efficient battery production lines of modern concept. For the automation of these lines ROLAND ELECTRONIC offers its competencies and skills in Thickness Measurement of metals and metal compounds.
ROLAND ELECTRONIC Double Sheet Detection Systems ensure smooth production of all common types of batteries from zinc-carbon batteries to the latest lithium-ion batteries.
Our Systems for Dual-Layer and Double Sheet Detection are fully developed and proven. They can adapt to any combination of materials and material thickness. The ROLAND ELECTRONIC Application Laboratory supports our clients in the adaptation of new materials.
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Battery manufacturing
During battery production, it is necessary to monitor whether the material consists of more than one single layer.
The battery sensor from ROLAND ELECTRONIC has been specially designed to meet these requirements.
Battery sensor WF14
Dual layer detection sensors for Li-Ion-Electrodes and thin nonmagnetic foils on the base of an eddy current sensor.